

2 Row Tip N' Roll "Preferred" Image

2 Row Tip N' Roll "Preferred"

Tip N' Roll Bleachers are the perfect choice when extra event seating is needed. The lightweight aluminum desi...

2 Row Tip N' Roll "Standard" Image

2 Row Tip N' Roll "Standard"

Tip N' Roll Bleachers are the perfect choice when extra event seating is needed. The lightweight aluminum desi...

3 Row Tip N' Roll "Preferred" Image

3 Row Tip N' Roll "Preferred"

Tip N' Roll Bleachers are the perfect choice when extra event seating is needed. The lightweight aluminum desi...

3 Row Tip N' Roll "Standard" Image

3 Row Tip N' Roll "Standard"

Tip N' Roll Bleachers are the perfect choice when extra event seating is needed. The lightweight aluminum desi...

3 & 4 Row Tip N' Roll Low-Rise "Preferred"  Image

3 & 4 Row Tip N' Roll Low-Rise "Preferred"

Low Rise Bleachers are great when budgets are tight. This affordable bleacher system maximizes capacity while ...

3 & 4 Row Tip N' Roll Low-Rise "Standard" Image

3 & 4 Row Tip N' Roll Low-Rise "Standard"

Low Rise Bleachers are great when budgets are tight. This affordable bleacher system maximizes capacity while ...

Portable Bleachers

Our Portable Bleachers include the "Tip N' Roll" Series as well as Transportable Series. Both present a great solution if your seating area has to be moved between multiple locations. Portable Bleacher is a term used to describe angle frame bleachers constructed to be mobile bleachers on wheels. Portable Bleachers are designed to be moved around your court or athletic field to provide auxiliary seating for your spectators. We offer two types of portable bleachers, a Tip N' Roll series, and a Transportable series. The Tip N' Roll bleachers do exactly what their name implies, tip and roll, while transportable series are made to be moved with a light tractor. 

Transportable Series 

  • Available with 5 and 10 rows 
  • Variety of lengths available, see chart below 
  • Standard, Preferred and Deluxe models available (deluxe not available for 15’ models) 
  • Features additional bracing to withstand transit 
  • Not intended for transport on public roadways, speed should not exceed 5 MPH
  • Transport kit sold separately 

"Transportable Bleachers" can be moved from one area of the grounds to the next (5 m.p.h. max). This versatile system, available with 5 rows or 10 rows, is the perfect solution for adding seating where permanent year round bleacher seating is not required. Sharing Transportable Bleachers between sites is a cost effective way to maximize bleacher use among multiple sites or for varied sport seasons. The Transportable Bleachers are available with an extra heavy aluminum understructure or a galvanized steel understructure. There is additional cross- bracing and added galvanized steel horizontal lifting braces on the front and rear of the understructure for added stability when moving the system. Transportable Bleachers require a Transport Kit (sold separately). A heavy duty Transport Kit (with built-in hydraulic jack and larger 14" wheels) is required for all 10 row and elevated systems.

Our Transportable bleachers are designed specifically to withstand the rigors of movement. Each Transportable bleacher is fitted with a galvanized steel horizontal lifting brace and has extra bracing to stabilize the bleacher during movement. These systems are not intended for use on any public roadways. 5 mph is the recommended speed limit. All Transportable bleachers include ground sills and are available in "Standard", "Preferred" & "Deluxe" models. 

Order one "Wheel Kit" (required) to move multiple sets of bleachers. A "Light Duty" Transport (Wheel) Kit must be ordered with 5 row transportable bleachers. A "Heavy Duty" Transport (Wheel) Kit must be ordered with 10 row transportable bleachers.



# of Wheels




5 row





10 row


hydraulic (built in)



10 row


hydraulic (built in)



Standard Transportable Models 

Our "Standard" Transportable non-elevated aluminum bleachers are perfect for facilities that need seating at multiple areas at different times.  All standard transportable bleachers include 2" x 10" anodized seat plank, single (1) 2" x 10" mill finish foot planks and guardrails are included on all systems. 

Preferred Transportable Models 

Our portable "Preferred" non-elevated aluminum bleachers are an upgrade from our "Standard" model that include anodized seat plank, double (2) 2" x 10" mill finish foot planks on all rows, and riser plank on rows 4 and above. Guardrails are included on all systems with 5 rows of seating or more.

Deluxe Transportable Models 

Our "Deluxe" non-elevated aluminum bleachers are an upgrade from our "Standard" and "Preferred" models that include aisle(s) with handrail which may be desirable by spectators, and/or required by local codes. "Deluxe" models include anodized seat plank, double (2) mill finish foot planks and riser plank on all rows. Guardrails are included on all systems with 5 rows of seating or more. Our 3 row bleachers top seat height is under 30" so guardrail and riser are not required to meet building and safety codes.


Tip N’ Roll Bleacher Series

  • Available with 2, 3, and 4 rows
  • Variety of lengths available, see chart below 
  • Low Rise, Standard, and preferred models available 
  • Aluminum frame with swivel casters
  • Includes Non-marring rubber foot pads
  • 4 row system includes outrigger for additional stability when tipped up
  • 2” x 10” foot planks, standard models have (1). Preferred models have (2). 

National Recreation Systems "Tip N' Roll" bleachers tip and roll away for easy storage and are the ideal solution to your auxiliary seating needs. This portable bleacher is easily tipped up onto its swivel casters for movement, and caster brakes keep the bleacher from rolling when stored. All "Tip N' Roll" bleachers include non-marring rubber foot pads to protect wood floors. The aluminum understructure (frame) reduces weight for easier lifting and our exclusive 4-row outrigger for added safety and stability. Always take extra care when you tip up bleachers.

Standard Tip N’ Roll Models

"Low-Rise" Tip N' Roll Bleachers have 2" x 12" anodized seat planks, 2" x 10" mill finish foot planks, a lower, 11½" first seat height and a lesser 6" rise per row. Tip N' Roll Bleachers are available with 4 rows in Low Rise models only.

Preferred Tip N’ Roll Models

The "Preferred" Tip N' Roll bleachers include (2) 2" x 10" foot planks. Since all 2 and 3 row Tip N' Roll models and 3 and 4 row Low Rise Tip N' Roll models are less than 30" high, most codes do not require guardrail.

Uses for Tip n' Roll Bleachers

Our customers have found our extremely portable bleachers to be perfect for many occasions. Schools have used them to add extra seating in their gyms during larger events. Church gymnasiums, which may not have permanent bleachers installed, use our Tip N' Roll aluminum bleachers to add seating during rec league basketball and other sporting events. Some of our customers bring our Tip N' Roll bleachers to the football field to provide auxiliary seating for bigger games. Wherever you think you think you need portable bleachers, our Tip N' Roll bleachers are perfect for the job.

As an experienced leader in bleacher systems, we'll guide you during decision-making to improve your facility.

For almost 40 years, National Recreation Systems has been a trusted partner in thousands of projects involving bleachers, benches, and renovations. Our angle frame bleachers are easily reachable and align with your budget and long-term needs.
